Monday 28 May 2012

Getting Animated!

Today some of the students and their teachers had an extra opportunity to work with Carol because she was visiting school as part of the NET Programme (Natcoll Education Trust) promoted by Yoobee's Natcoll Design School.

All students were learning to be creative with iPads. Students from Room 4 (Years 1-2) worked hard on making their own Fotobabbles for their Rockets Blog (Magical Animal Makeovers and some wonderful stories you'll see further down that page). 

Students from Room 2 (Years 2-3) started learning about animation with the iPads, using I Can Animate

Room 6 students (Year 4) started to created animations for the stories they had written. These will later be put into iMove, with voice recording of the stories being told, or the characters talking. What fun!

Here are photos of the Room 4 students hard at work with their scenery and characters. Why don't you ask them about 'onion skinning', and what sorts of things they need to be careful with so they get a great animation!

1 comment:

  1. guys i think you have worked hard so well done



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