Wednesday 19 June 2013

Will it snow?

Fran with snow woman (School snow closure, 2011)

Deciding whether to close the school is never an easy decision, and one that we do not take lightly.

Our first consideration is always the health and safety of our students and staff. This often involves the condition of the grounds and buildings. In the case of snow, it may be the remaining ice that causes even more concern, later.

Another aspect to consider is the safety of roads, and whether or not it is reasonable to expect teachers to drive to get here (many of our teachers live quite some way from the school). The bus company also notifies us as to whether or not they are going to put their drivers on the road. A decision has to be put together from many pieces of information, and from several sources.

If a decision was made to close the school in the event of a major snow storm, we would let you know as soon as possible and in a number of ways (some of which would depend on whether or not we had electricity!).

If possible, all of the following methods would be used, as soon as we were able to make that decision:

Now, WILL it snow....?

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